Djamila and Luke, two accomplished entrepreneurs with successful brands under their belts, embarked on a challenging endeavor when they decided to transform this aging retail space into the vibrant Rolling Joe Coffee House and Tattoo Studio. The project was no small feat, as the building itself posed structural limitations, and they were trying to merge two businesses that came with their own set of rules and regulations.
Our role in this project was pivotal, as we meticulously planned and designed the layouts to ensure seamless flow for both businesses, optimizing space allocation. We carefully considered various options to maximize seating capacity for DJ's customers while maintaining privacy and providing ample elbow room for Luke. Our goal was to eliminate tight pinch points and prevent overcrowding during peak hours, whilst still accommodating display areas for their iconic merchandise. We utilized the elevated platform at the back of the unit for back-of-house storage and a selfie worthy customer restroom, avoiding any inconvenient door clashes.
Djamila and Luke are a dynamic and creative pair, they brought a wealth of ideas and dedication to the project. However, we believe we played a crucial role in helping them refine their inspiration, ensuring that the space created truly embodied their brand. We provided 3D visuals to bring life to the once-empty space and assisted in sourcing and specifying lighting, flooring, tiles, and various other furnishings and equipment, culminating in the successful completion of this transformative project.
Property Type
Commercial Unit
Newquay, UK